Monday, November 5, 2007

Candy and Cement!

Last week was Saakje's birthday. Saakje is one of the Dutch girls living in my house, and I'm certain that I'm misspelling her name. Anyway, we bought a pinata and she beat the hell out of it with my broom but this was a very sturdy pinata, and so eventually she had to remove her blindflold in order to break it. Upon its destruction, we discovered that its insides were coated with cement.

This is Goofy, the house terror, awaiting for candy to fall from above. All the girls hate him. He bites their feet. Me, I had a soft spot for him until recently -- rather than bite my feet, he humped my leg. However, yesterday morning he pissed on my laundry. I'm still waiting for an apology.
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